Parents worried about significant behavioral issues may find it stressful to take their special child to the grocery store. They are concerned that their child may act out, flee, speak or reach inappropriately with other customers or open food items before they are purchased. Contrarily, a successful visit under the supervision of our specialists can greatly improve the family chore and provide the child with a wealth of training attainment. Before going to a bigger supermarket alone with the parents, the child should be able to follow a few simple instructions in a more supervised setting. For this purpose IMPACT arranges this activity to help such children. Here are the main activities which we teach our children:
Making a list of desired items: Before going for grocery children make a list of the desired items. If children can’t do this alone, then therapists helps them to write a list.
Road Safety: While going for grocery special children also learn about basic road safety rules. Therapist always have keen eye on every child to keep them safe and to avoid any unpleasant accidents. Our professionals are trained for this special task.
Push the trolley: The Children then have to get a trolley for themselves and push it while finding the desired item. They can also learn the concept of push & pull while going in and out of the door.
Selecting grocery item: Children will have to find all of the listed items by visiting different sections. Therapists will always guide them about the sections and stuff related to the specific sections. Kids have to collect and put everything in their cart as per list.
Learn money recognition and handling: Special child need a lot of practice to recognize and learn money handling. So, going for grocery helps a lot in this regard. The professionals will always help kids to read the price tags, counting the total amount and giving and taking money back. Without practical experience, teaching special children about money can be challenging. We always let them handle and receive money back from the cashier.
Practicing Social Skills:
One of the major benefits of this activity is to polish and enhance social skills of a child. When special children visit a public place they feel confident and have more chances to socialize with their peers. If more than one child goes for grocery they can find things together. Help each other to count and handle money. They also learn to wait for their turn to pay the bill.
Learning can be enjoyable and fun:
Involving children in these type of activities could be enjoyable, fun and interactive. This activity brings children a lot of experiential learning. We have set everyone up for success, and established clear boundaries. Parents can also enjoy their children's company, spend time with them, and observe their learning. Talking to their child while he is pushing trolley and handling money can be a wonderful way to establish a connection, and it's adorable to see his eyes light up when he discovers or encounters something new.
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