ADHD and Class Performance

December 26, 2024

By Esha Naeem

ADD and ADHD is a neurobiological disorder. Researchers believe that neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers of the brain, do not work properly causing symptoms of ADD or ADHD.

Inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity are two major characteristics of ADHD. ADD and ADHD symptoms vary from mild to severe.

Adults about 50% no longer experience major problems with symptoms of ADD or ADHD. Some children with ADD or ADHD do very well in schools while others find it very tough.

Three major types of ADHD are:

Combined presentation: Combination of both inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity.

Predominantly Inattentive presentation: Inattention without hyperactivity-impulsivity. Schools call it ADD.

Predominantly hyperactive/impulsive presentation: Hyperactivity-impulsivity without inattention.

In ADHD students thoughts are racing faster than their body can keep up. Their input doesn’t always match with output. Such students may fail tests, struggle with writing, or may not complete assignments or projects. Students with ADHD find it difficult to control their bodies. They feel compelled to stand up or seek excuses for leaving the classroom in order to satisfy their need for movement. These students miss important instruction when they are often out of the classroom in search of movement breaks.

I have more thoughts before breakfast than most people have all day”

ADD or ADHD students suffer from inattention and poor concentration. In the classroom, there are many stimuli that can distract ADHD children. They find it difficult listening in class, may daydream, misses lecture content, lack attention to detail, make careless mistakes like an error in grammar, capitalization, spelling, or changes sign in maths +,-, move from one incomplete task to other and lack of awareness of time and grades.

“I’ve been told that I have ADHD but I don’t think I.. Hey look, a squirrel!

Students with ADD suffer from slow processing of information; read, write, respond slowly, recall facts slowly, difficulty organizing thoughts, and find it difficult what step should be taken first and such students also suffer from poor memory.

I respond to text messages in my head. Sometimes weeks go by before I realize I didn’t respond in real life. I’m working on that.

ADHD cannot be cured completely but it can be managed with medication and therapy.

Ref: DSM V,   Chris A. Zeigler Dendy’s books, Teach8ng Teenagers with ADD ADHD, 2000,   Jennifer Flewelling, 2016, How does ADHD impact Academics Performance.